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Reviews for January:

It's the beginning of the year, and the first year Conservative Pictures hopes to bring in money. That won't be for a while, so enjoy instead!

January 7-9:
Overdrawn at the Memory Bank
Review: Exceedingly confusing, and very, very boring. 1.2
Prediction: Will do horrible box office wise...despite it's competition.
Bill's Big Secret
Movie not reviewed...mainly cause the reviewer left after 10 minutes of watching this crap.
Prediction: No more than $750,000 totally worldwide.
The Corrupt Bussiness
Review: Plain horrible, the action scenes seemed like it was made by four-year-olds. 1.8
Prediction: Open the best, but still flop.

January 14-17 (MLK weekend):
Twilight Hours
Review: An interesting and worthy take on the zombie that lets you see what they would be seeing if it actually happened. 6.0
Prediction: Will do really fine, maybe win an award for Best Cinematography.
Chocolate Rain"
Review: Interesting start that simply...couldn't go on well. As the movie advances you think the plot could have been better. Go see it for one scene: the awesome CGI recreation of a hurricane that happened 20 years ago. 5.2
Prediction: Will go to $25 million domestic, $60 million worldwide, and be nominated for a special effects award but loose it. Overall: This movie is doomed.
Prince of Space:
Review: What...the...hell? 1.1

January 21-23:
Can't Stop The Beat:
Review: Jackson's worst picture yet. 0.5
Prediction: No idea.
The Chronicles of Kelly: Shoes, the Betch and That Top I Want to Borrow :
Review: I am speechless. It's so...stupid...that....I can't talk. 1.0
Prediction: Based on YouTube videos, it will probably break even.
Review: The fat version of Idiocracy...but it's not remotely funny. 1.8
Prediction: Will do great at the box office, for the mere fact that it pretends in the trailer to be funny.

January 28-30:
Treachery And Savagery"
Review: Could predict every thing that happened after the first half-hour. Which means only the first half-hour is decent. 3.2
Prediction: People aren't going to see another crime movie unless it's they won't see this one.
But I'm a Lawyer: The Case of Harold Johnson:
Review: Hilarious! 8.7
Prediction: Will rule this weekend, and probably win an award for funniest movie this year. Unless of course...a funnier movie comes along.

Honest Reviews: Conservative Reviews

This month's #1 Film:

But I'm a Lawyer: The Case of Harold Johnson

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